So the place was officially mine on June 15th, a Monday. Later that week Shivanee, Priya and Aaron came over to help me paint my bathroom and bedroom. I wasn’t going to paint my living room because it was a simple beige color. For the bedroom color, I had to mix two paints together to reach my desired color and it seems that when Aaron and Priya painted the top of my room, near my molding, they got a batch of the lighter paint, but I didn’t realize this

Mom, Karen, Heidi and Lexi came down that following weekend to help me move in. They were going to stay Friday through Saturday. Friday we were going to move the ‘little’ stuff and Saturday Perry was going to come over with some of his new roommates to help move the big stuff. I rented a U-Haul and signed up for a 10 footer but since I didn’t have the correct location of the place I rented it from, I ended up at another location where they were out of 10 footers so I got a 14 footer for no additional charge. Good cause pretty much all of my stuff fit in one load, including my bedroom furniture and living room furniture which the boys were supposed to move. Well since these ladies and I got all the big stuff move on Friday along with the small stuff I got to return the truck within the first 24 hours and only had to pay half what I was expecting. Niiiice.
So Saturday we unpacked some of my stuff and took on a few projects at the condo and cleaned up the townhouse since we had to give our keys back on Monday. Saturday night was the first night I spent by myself in the condo and was sure someone had broken in while I was sleeping. I got out of bed to tip-toe around the condo and found no one but saw that my blinds were banging around because it was especially windy that night. Then I went back to bed to realize it wasn’t even midnight yet and no one breaks in before midnight.
Heidi said this is why I need a cat, to blame strange and scary noises on. She brought me down a kitty litter box, kitty litter and a scoop. She wants me to have one or two of her 8 kittens. I most likely will take her up on this offer since I don’t have a TV and Michael Buble gets tired of singing on his CD and for whatever reason I can’t get any clear radio stations on my boom box.
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