My blinds from Overstock came yesterday. Overstock is so quick on their deliveries. Ballard Design could learn something from them.
I recieved my first issue of Better Home and Gardens yesterday and as always there are some great articles in it. And so as I was deliberating my curtiain situation I also took note of a few bamboo blinds. It seems in a lot of photos people have chosen a thin, lighter bamboo blind (like ones in photo below). This of course got me rethinking the ones I got. But I don't know wherer the other got these blinds form because all I can find are the ones like I bought. So I reassured myself that I made a good decision and purchase and that these lighter bamboo blinds wouldn't add enough contrast to my decor, or something like that.
So I also decided to buy my curtains and curtain rods from Ikea. I, as you can assume, have been going back and forth on this as well. Do I want curtains with a rod pocket or ones that use those rings. I have decided on rod pocket. I don't have much space between my top windowsill and my crown moulding. So I think it will be best to keep it simple up there with a rod pocket curtain.
I have the ring system in my bedroom and can't figure out how everyone else hangs their curtains so only like half of the ring is showing. My bedroom curtain shows the whole ring and the clip too. I'm not sure what the others clip the clip onto to make it only show part of the ring.
So I'll avoid that issue all together and get rod pocket curtains. But maybe while I'm at Ikea I'll see if they show how the ring curtains are hung just so I know for my bedroom.

So I decided to go with simple white cotton curtains for my living room. And as I mentioned in a earlier blog, I might one day, add some ribbon detail to spice them up.

I spoke to Mom last night and told her about all the projects I'm going to have for her and the aunt(s) to do when they come down over Christmas break. I'm excited to show all the closer to being finished pictures when everything gets put together. I even found cheap chandelier shades at AC Moore last night. I'm thinking about dressing them up with a little ribbon on the top and bottom of each shade. How cute!
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