Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I know it’s been a while since I posted but I’ve been trying to focus more on work while I’m at work which results in me having less time to (a) find pretty things online to post about and (b) take time to write about my place.

But over winter break Mom and Marci helped me install curtains and blinds in my living room and a chandelier above my dining room table. But I’m still waiting on my desk to get here that I bought over Thanksgiving.

I also hung more frames around my tv and this past weekend I put real photos in them as well.

All of these projects however, still are not completed yet and I didn’t want to post pictures until they were so you could see the final look. But I decided I would give you a snippet so you could see how my place is evolving.


  1. Nice teaser, I want to see more. I was worried when I saw your mom with a drill in her hand, clearly removing the ceiling fan and the power is still on. But it looks like everything turned out OK, based on the 2nd picture. Nice chandelier!

  2. Come on and post some real pictures! I'm dying to see!
